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Energy harvesting from vibration of a compaction machine

Company: Volvo Construction Equipment

Primary: EE
Secondary: ME

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Background: roller compactors machines loses energy emitting vibrations in unwanted directions. Devise an energy harvesting system that captures and stores energy in electric form. The vibration are at 40 to 70 Hz can be either: amplitudes ~ <1mm at 1 g’s (fixed device) or amplitudes ~1-2 mm at 5-9 g’s (rotating device) Produce a litterature reveiw and a plan of work (<1 week) Create 3d drawings, (<1 week) Create simulation to demosntrate fesibility (~1 week) Produce and manufacture a working prototype (~2 weeks) Test and validate prototype (1 week) Documentation and technology transfer (1week)



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The Learning Factory

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802