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Cellular based IoT using oneM2M

Company: Exacta Global Smart Solutions

Primary: CMPEN
Secondary: CMPSC

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

An IOT device that operates far from power and communications infrastructure requires power efficient implementations, reduced complexity and sustainability. This can be achieved by using components that are already known and verified to work so that a developer can quickly bring a new product to market. Cellular devices are an example where the radio module components are formally certified to operate according to specific cellular radio standards. oneM2M is a global standard that serves to make developing IoT applications that can be formally certified as well. This project will build and test oneM2M compliant devices (software) using the Thingy 91. The project team will implement oneM2M device management resources (TS-0023) that manage device information and software update procedures. The team will learn oneM2M application development and embedded device programing using the Nordic Thingy:91 and Zephyr RTOS. The main deliverables will be: A demonstration of updating the software on the Thingy:91 using the oneM2M device management protocols and procedures. Additional requirements: Applications shall be compliant to the applicable oneM2M profiles. Modification of a oneM2M Upper Tester interface using AT commands to test the device management procedures Target platforms: Thingy:91 Pass oneM2M conformance tests Submission of project to international oneM2M Hackathon Optional: develop contributions to oneM2M standards



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The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802