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Generative LLM: AI Assistant for Business Operations

Company: Viele Exploratory Sustainable Solutions LLC

Primary: CMPSC

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

LLMs are revolutionizing the way that we consume and generate content from social media to term papers to art, so why not business practices as well? Proposal writing and market research are tiresome, take a long time, and cost a lot of money with only marginal success. Student teams will help in developing LLMs to short circuit these processes so that we can spend more time innovating on the technical work and less on the paperwork. Reasonable expectation would be a command line utility that has some memory using freely available tokens from openai that students use to generate and critique (like peer review) for quality, correctness, etc.



Our mission is to help bring the real-world into the classroom by providing engineering students with practical hands-on experience through industry-sponsored and client-based capstone design projects. Since its inception, the Learning Factory has completed more than 1,800 projects for more than 500 different sponsors, and nearly 9,000 engineering students at Penn State University Park participated in such a project.

The Learning Factory

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802